How is it that a mass of chemicals and electrons formulated in such an organized way that either spontaneously or in some extraterrestrial manor where forced to ignite into some other dimension of consciousness? What is thought and memory? How do we feel and respond to someone else’s feelings in a way that is so visceral yet physically distant? How can our current condition be so complex and multilayered yet so imperfect and very flawed?
Why did society allow our current condition to be trapped by such limited parameters? Politics, drugs, sex, laws, social morals force us into a smaller and smaller box. We are taught to march in lock step, and any mutations or abnormality is forced into a corner. Heckled, suffocated, and massacred until they no longer remind us of what flaws we have. A small amount of deviation from the normal is accepted and/or appreciated, in some cases celebrated. When that deviation is larger, the more the ostracizing occurs, and with greater force. We are afraid of what is different, and fight to allow assimilation of any kind. Always scouring to find understanding and meaning. Tricking ourselves into believing that we are looking to perfect ourselves and or our society. We look at each other through a mirror, and a microscope at the same time. Constantly fighting with each other for the same things. How could it be that we are hard wired for failure? Every creature on this earth’s goal is to continue their species… That is all they do, that is all they know. Very little other form or level of consciences is merely relegated off to the side to allow for preparation of creating and rearing new offspring. Every aspect of every other organism on this earth is here for self-preservation of their species. Are we the exception to the rule? With so many thoughts in our head and so many “feelings” in our heart, is our one and only TRUE goal to procreate and sustain the human existence? How could this be?
Are we doing the best job at it? Are we teaching each other the “best” way to live? Can we honestly look at our life, our own lives and answer YES to the question; “Are we doing the best we can for our future?” Why do people spend their whole life working on things that they are not the best at, and or struggle to obtain the MOST with little reward at their death? What are we afraid of sharing?
Can we truly be afraid of sharing knowledge, power, food, shelter? Are we afraid of loosing out on something and or not being properly prepared for everything?
Our life is nothing more than a Heart beat in the life of the universe! Everything we experience in this world in our life seems to evaporate with our last breath. All of our earthly possessions are left behind for someone or something else to deal with, and within one generation, 99.999% of everything most of us ever said or did is incorporated in to some gigantic supreme collection of incoherence. Only a select few may have a few records to connect info with artist. What good does that do for the dead artist?
Once again, what are we doing here; Helping ourselves, helping each other, helping the future, or helping nobody? If you have a billion of any one thing, do you have enough? If you have a million, should that suffice?
Today is a new day (along with all he rest.) The miracle of our existence is the power of choice. We get to choose 99.9% of what we do in life, more or less! NO ONE else does that for us! For better or worse we reap what we sow, and learn to do that with habit. Changing our course is never easy, at least by our selves. The other amazing thing about us as individuals is the collective! Together there is not ONE thing that can NOT be done or that stands in our way!!! Group mentality has been proven to be the best in every aspect. It does not always make the right choices at first, or stay on the right path the entire time, but it does ALL WAYS correct it self for the better! We learn, and when we know better we do better, as individuals and as a group, even more so as a group!
So what is this individual doing right now? What are you doing?
I am doing my job! I AM doing what I was made to do, what I was born to do, and what I believe WE ALL should do a lot more of! THINK!!!
I am questioning my current life, and life’s path, my current work, my current collecting and expending of THINGS. How am I living happy and Healthy or not? How am I working with the collective in an organized manor to create positive change in my future human race and myself? There is not one leader, or messiah or GOD living here right now among us, talking to us, showing us, helping us, and teaching us “THE RIGHT WAY.” There have been many stories of these people in the past, with many common themes. The one I am most afraid of is exclusion! Every major religion and or organized belief has 1 major flaw in my opinion! EXCLUSION. They all in some way or some form exclude a part of earths human population, why is that? IS that RIGHT? Could It be right?
I personally do not think so! I do believe in GOD, and most people do, some I understand do not, or simple choose not to decide either way. I believe that my GOD is a GOD of inclusion!
What does that mean for our world? Our fragmented, politically compartmentalized, and socially adjunct to the whole societies are sloshing around together on this water globe. Every day more and more people plug in to the continuous social network, by either phone, or internet, or media, or gossiping clan or crowd or all of the above. We are the most powerful force this planet has ever seen, and what are we doing with that force? Where’s the self-pride, where is the self respect, where is the actions that our ancestors have taken to secure the freedom that most of us currently enjoy?
What is next?
CHANGE! Now don’t react to the fear, you know you want to… C H A N G E what could that possibly mean?
Well, as you know it could mean anything?!? But we need to start collectively thinking as a collective! Not by ourselves, Not as a household, or one village or city, or state or nation or even one continent!
As ONE BIG COLLECTIVE, we need to grow up, look at our surroundings, and ask what next. We have done a lot with out societies and cultures, but what next?
It is simple.
We think, We plan, We vote; …continuously all three. We are clearly an adult now and we now have the technology to plug everyone in and decide what is next.
I DO NOT, WILL NOT, think not, to assume what I think is best for all of us! I do know that something can be done, there for something should be done!
Imagine a world of almost 7,000,000,000 friends, family, and neighbors. Think about that! It’s not a dream it’s real! This is not something that we have to put much effort into either, just connect the entire world where we each reach out to 2, 3, 6, 10 people and they do the same. We ARE all connected! We can all meet, vote, and counsel on the problems of today. We can do things quickly or slowly at our choosing.
Before I continue on, this is NOT a utopia! There will NOT be peace, love, and harmony from coast to coast, and this will not stop disease, war, murder, or hunger….YET! It might just make things worse for a moment.
But think everybody coming together for a common goal: to improve our environment and living situation. You could choose to be a part of it or not. See the reason why it works is because it always has!!! You always have had a choice, you always get a say! You just may not have thought it was strong enough or powerful enough. And with 70-80% of your 7 billion neighbors on your side, well trust me, now your voice will be big enough.
There you have it, the four page thumbnail sketch of my dream: WORLD PEACE
With out giving acknowledgement to the parts where it is not going to be a cake walk. Also understanding that there are the few, with a lot of power, who do not want to loose it. But if we just start, and start slow, and crawl before we walk, and allow EVERYONE to participate or protest at their liking it should go more smoothly. And before you or I even know it we will be networking in ways never dreamed of before, and we will ALL be able to vote on the “HUMAN” agenda! It could be ridding the world of hunger, or a disease, or even lack of HOPE!!!
What a wonderful world! Good luck and God’s peace
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